17th Annual Conference

Bless Be God
August 1-3, 2014
Pikes Peak Center, 190 S. Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Conference Speakers
Bishop James Golka STAS Appreciation Letter
Letter of Appreciation to the St. Thomas Aquinas Society from Bishop James Golka
Bernie Choiniere
Singer, Musician and Song Writer By helping to convey the love of God, and stressing a need for a personal relationship with Christ, Bernie's heartfelt songs present a call to action and a challenge to service. In the past 19 years he has told his miraculous story...
Rev. Christopher J. Crotty, C.P.M.
Inner / Spiritual Healing Rev. Christopher J. Crotty C.P.M. was born in 1967 and is a native of San Francisco, California. He attended Kolbe Academy, which was co-founded by his parents, Francis and Margaret Crotty. Fr. Crotty was the first high school graduate of...
Father Joseph L Iannuzzi
Living in God's Divine Will Fr. Joseph is a theologian and doctoral alumnus of the Gregorian Pontifical University of Rome. He has written several books on revelation and prophecy, appeared on EWTN and was host of several television and national radio programs. Fr....
Father Kyle Ingels
Breakout Program MC A native of Colorado Springs, Fr Kyle Ingels serves as the Director of Campus Ministry and Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Colorado Springs. He has served as Chaplain for the Catholic Student Center at the University of Maryland and as...
Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
We are delighted to have Father Mitch Pacwa return to our conference again this year. Fr. Pacwa is Founder and President of Ignatius Productions, and is best know for his appearances on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) where he hosts two...
Rotella Marty
Singer and Songwriter Marty Rotella is a Grammy Nominee and award-winning singer, songwriter, speaker, producer, and master of ceremonies. He first started out in "pop" music when he was 15 years old. Since 1980, he has been focusing mainly on religious music and...
Father Aniello Salicone SX
Celebrating Healing We welcome Fr. Aniello Salicone to this year's conference where he will share his experience of how God has called him to special ministry. Fr. Aniello's presentation will be thought-provoking and humorous. You will delight and be inspired when...
Linda Santo
Servant of God Linda Santo is the mother of Little Audrey Santo. Audrey Marie Santo (December 19, 1983 - April 14, 2007), often referred to as Little Audrey by pilgrims to her home, was a young woman from Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, through whom...
Bishop Michael Sheridan
Bishop Michael Sheridan was born in St. Louis, MO on March 4, 1945. He was ordained as a diocesan priest by Cardinal John J. Carberry on May 29, 1971. On September 3, 1997 Bishop Sheridan was ordained as an auxiliary bishop of St. Louis by Archbishop Justin Rigali....
Father Jeff Shooner
Vocations Fr. Jeff Shooner is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and served active duty as an intelligence officer. He attended seminary at Theological College at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, and was ordained to the...
Matt Werner
Since 1997 Matt Werner has served as President of Queen of the Apostles Mission Association working to advance the interests of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Russia and former Soviet Union countries. This charitable non-profit group has helped many bishops,...
Father Mark Wheelan
Fr. Mark Wheelan, SOLT studied in Rome at the Angelicum. He was ordained in Corpus Christi, TX and was sent to serve the Native American Indians in North Dakota. Fr. Mark has been attending our conferences for several years to assist with the sacraments and is very...
Help the St. Thomas Aquinas Society to continue!
Events of this magnitude are very expensive. Your financial, tax-deductible gift is very much needed and appreciated.
St. Thomas Aquinas Society is built on a foundation of prayer. Your prayer support is very valuable too. We welcome gratefully any spiritual commitment you can make for the success of St. Thomas Aquinas Society and the conference.
Have you said your Hail Mary for St. Thomas Aquinas Society today? God bless!